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Saw the action of the urogenital system leaves brown fruit extract can increase the blood supply from the men's sex organs


Saw the action of the urogenital system leaves brown fruit extract can increase the blood supply from the men's sex organs, so as to improve the endocrine regulation of sexual saw palm valley of dried fruit contains a lot of cholesterol with antiandrogen activity, therefore to treat benign prostate Hyperplasia. As early as the American indians found saw palm berries can be used to treat prostate, urethra infection disease, after the germans in the treatment of BPH urinary tract diseases with saw palm, saw that modern for palm medicinal hair Yang everbright. Saw palm can maintain normal prostate volume and its functions, micturition unimpeded; Reduce the night urination, frequent urination urgency problem. It also inhibits stimulate prostate hypertrophy of male gland secretion, fundamentally tannic acid astringent solve the problem of hyperplasia of prostate . The current clinical use of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) treatment medicine mostly androgen antagonist class western medicine (e.g., finasteride, etc.), the long-term use of this kind of antiandrogen drug side effects. In recent years, the use of natural plant preparation in the treatment of BPH disease, etc Prostate disease has become an international trend.
Saw palm for saw blade brown (Serenoarepens) is also called blue brown, sabah brown, one of the southeastern United States common palmae precious medicinal plants. Life can reach 500-700 years, its resistance is strong, resistant to fire, can be carnosic acid price long-term drought, waterlogging, barren soil. Its distribution from south Carolina to southern Mississippi and Louisiana, Florida and the gulf of Mexico to the tropical and subtropical coastal sandy soil plain.
The chemical composition of saw blade brown contains digestible carbohydrate, fat and other nutrients, two-thirds of the oil is free fatty acids, including decanoic acid and octanoic acid, caproic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid and oleic acid. These substances edible and medicinal.
Pharmacological activity of antitumor activity in vitro experiment found that saw palmetto lead to prostate cancer cell growth inhibition and apoptosis, and the role of human breast cancer cell proliferation inhibition has a dose dependent. In patients glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate with glioma, T lymphocytes in particular CD4 + T cells is severely reduced in number of saw palmetto can improve GL261 rat glioma percentage of CD4 + T cells, and there are dose dependent. Saw palmetto can effectively induce U266 cell apoptosis and its mechanism may be By adjusting the p27 protein levels, Mcl - 1. Saw palmetto and AG490 inhibits the proliferation of multiple myeloma cells merged application, a separate use effect is good. Saw palmetto by blocking STAT3 pathway U266 cell proliferation inhibition and promote research We fall.
What's it like in summer? In small make up mind, summer is a vacation Louisiana in the United States of America, have a warm wet blue sky white clouds, and the asphalt road saw tall palm.In this issue of the popular science knowledge articles, leading role is the precious medicinal plants grow in the southeastern United States saw palm. Small make up a large collection of information about saw palm, it found akba boswellic acid that the magic really good plant. What also don't say, small make up today Will pull you sit stool to rise up strange knowledge together.

