The Best Resistance Band Workouts For Building Muscle

The Best Resistance Band Workouts For Building Muscle

building muscle with resistance bandsAnyway, what is accepted and accepted by people is building muscle with resistance bands.

Resistance bands have become extremely popular in recent years for a variety of reasons. They’re simple to use, portable, and can be done at home with little equipment. Resistance band workouts are great for building muscle and toning. Here are the best resistance band workouts for muscle growth:

The Best Resistance Band Workouts for Building Muscle

Resistance band workouts are a great way to add muscle mass and tone your body. They're also a great way to get in shape if you don't have access to weights or other gym equipment. Here are the best resistance band workouts for building muscle:

1) Resistance Band Pull-Aparts: This is a great workout for building muscle and strength in your shoulders, back, and Abs. To do this workout, start by looping one end of the resistance band around your wrist and the other end around a sturdy object, like a doorjamb. Then cross your arms over your chest and lift your torso up until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for two seconds before slowly lowering back down. Repeat the entire sequence 10 times.

2) Resistance Band Clamshells: This is another great shoulder and back workout that uses the resistance band as an aid. Start by holding one end of the band in each hand with your palms facing forward. Then hinge at the waist so that your torso forms a "C" shape with your legs bent. Keep your back straight and squeeze your glutes as you press through your heels to raise yourself up into the clamshell position. Hold this position for two seconds before slowly lowering back down. Do five sets of 12 reps per side.

3) Resistance Band Bulgarian Split squats: This is an incredibly challenging but effective squat workout that uses resistance bands instead of weights or equipment. To do it

The Worst Resistance Band Workouts for Building Muscle

Resistance band workouts are some of the most effective ways to build muscle. They're simple, easy to follow and can be done in a relatively short amount of time.

There are a lot of different resistance band workout programs out there, but the below three are some of the worst for building muscle.

1. The "10-Minute Workout"
This is a program that consists of only 10 minutes of resistance band work. It's not enough time to really work your muscles hard, and it's also not very challenging.

2. The "Circuit Training" Resistance Band Workout
This type of workout involves doing several different exercises with the resistance band circuit-style. This can be tough on your muscles and it's definitely not beginner friendly.

3. The "Too Easy" Resistance Band Workout Program
This routine is designed for beginners and features mainly low-intensity exercises that won't really challenge your muscles. Unless you're specifically looking for an easy workout, this isn't the one for you!


Resistance band workouts are a great way to build muscle without leaving the house. Not only are they an effective way to work out, but they also require very little space and can be easily completed in short bursts. If you're looking to add some muscle mass while staying relatively injury free, resistance band workouts should definitely be on your list of things to try.

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