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Fenugreek development new use as an effective delay evacuant treatment of intractable constipation: that's because containing a large amount of slime fenugreek polysaccharide substance


Fenugreek development new use as an effective delay evacuant treatment of intractable constipation: that's because containing a large amount of slime fenugreek polysaccharide substance, it can effectively promote the intestinal peristalsis and defecation. Mexico developed Latin American countries have manufacturers such as fenugreek care new product, its main composition is: fenugreek, vitamin C, garlic powder, marsh mallow and horseradish plants (an American real estate). According to manufacturers, often taking the product can naringenin price improve their immunity, prevent colds and other diseases.
Fenugreek can improve the male sex hormones, the researchers will be 60 aged between 25 and 52 healthy male volunteers group experiment, one group of taking herbal medicine of fenugreek extract, but another group of volunteers taking is no effect of the products. The researchers by scoring system tracking monitoring assess their level of sexual desire.
After about six weeks of observation, the researchers found that male stesweet stevia volunteers taking fenugreek extract sexual level mostly is about 20.6 ~ 28% rise significantly. At the same time, another group of taking products without effect of arousal level but part of the volunteers have fallen. Fenugreek seeds contain a saponins is thought to stimulate the formation of male sex hormones.
For the treatment of depression, in addition to the psychological aspects of communication, is currently popular antidepressant drugs, but most of the drug side effects and produces a certain resistance, produce adverse impact on pumpkin seed extract the health of human body. Compared with antidepressants, most consumers are more inclined to choose natural plant extracts or herbal medicine to relieve, high safety and side effects. With the deepening of the research, the natural plant extracts in the future will hold up half the sky in the depression.
Fenugreek galactagogue effect: fenugreek powder/Arab countries in the Middle East is often used as a milk less maternal increase milk secretion of natural medicine. 4, fenugreek, strengthen the tea bag: American manufacturers listed recently developed a kind of fenugreek as the main ingredients of tea bag, its content includes: fenugreek powder, thyme and ginger powder and other natural plant. According to manufacturers, often drink the tea bag can enhance men's sexual desire and improve the durability of the body, etc. , the idea was that, according to western researchers reported that contain fenugreek steroidal compounds - mondial saponins yuan, choline and trimethylamine class material to strengthen the gonad function has a direct effect.
Depression is a huge problem in modern society, both celebrities and ordinary people, more and more people are plagued by depression, depression affects not only patients and those around them, they, too, because it is hard to get a safe and effective turmeric extract powder treatment and more and more serious. Compared with antidepressants, most consumers are more inclined to choose natural plant extracts or herbal medicine to relieve, high safety and side effects. With the deepening of the research, the natural plant extracts in the future will hold up half the sky in the depression.

